I normally can't remember details from dreams that I have, but I had a particularly weird one last night that I can't seem to shake from my brain, and I thought I would share. Do you guys ever have dreams that you can't stop thinking about? Here goes: I was at some sort of conference or large group meeting, I think it was outside, and I started talking to this guy (details of his physical attributes are now fuzzy, but he had dark hair and his name was Brian and he was very attractive, in a shy, sort of nerdy kind of way). Next thing I know he is my boyfriend (I do not have a boyfriend in real life, fyi, nor anyone named Brian that I am particularly close with), and we are getting rather, ahem, intimate.....So next I am moving into an apartment in NYC ( I live in Orlando, FL and have no idea why NYC was my next residential destination), and my mom is there helping me and my "boyfriend" move my stuff in. Next we decide that I need to get a giant padlock to put on my door. At first, just my mom and I were going to get it, but suddenly I was terrified that Brian was going to steal all my stuff if I left him alone in the apartment. So we all went to the lock store, and I am staring at my boyfriend, in the lusty/lovey honeymoon phase, and at the same time terrified of him. Then I woke up. Strange right? I am not going to even attempt to validate this dream, only hope that an attractive dark haired man may enter my life soon, and that I will not be terrified of him. ;)
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