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Sunday, April 15, 2012

Missing Something

My life is so blessed. I have the most amazing family, great friends, a job that I am happy with that lets me travel, a home, my health and countless other blessings. but sometimes, something still feels like it is missing.

I'm sure you can see where this is going, but I am realizing that this is a process, and I won't have all the answers right away, and that is ok. There are a few underlying issues that I think I need to address with my heart and mind, and that is part of my process. I need to allow my heart to open, fully, to God's plan for me. I have always had my strong Catholic faith as a presence in my life, but now it is time for me to strengthen my own relationship with God. As I am typing this, I had major deja vu, it serves as another reminder that this is something important. I have felt something tugging at my heart for a while now, but have not been the most successful at slowing down my mind enough to let some things in my past and present go, and truly allow my heart to be open. 

I work my feelings out through physical activity. I leave my feelings on the soccer field, on the sidewalk beneath my running shoes, dance it out in zumba, or twist, sweat and invert my feelings out on my yoga mat. That is my stress reliever, and an essential part of my life, and for a long time it was enough. now it is time to add things back in, mentally and emotionally. 

Big picture, this means figuring out who I am, but not by trying to answer some questions or be able to tell people who I am. It is embarking on a journey where the destination is unknown, but trusting that God is there every step of the way. It may seem like a daunting task, but I am confident that this is the right direction, and by devoting some time to enhance my relationship with God, my heart will open and I will start to learn my true path.

Here we go! I can't wait!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Washington Observer Week 1

Here are some of my observations about the population I encounter in my daily commute to and from work: 

You must carry two bags, and one of them should be a longchamp bag 
accessories: BOLD  
Lots of black business attire, but also lots of: Neon Fingernails!
Bob haircuts
 Trench coats
Constant honking
Taxi drivers WILL mistake you for a piece of street trash, and try to run you over, even if you have a walk sign
People are not afraid to STARE at you
Washingtonians LOVE love happy hour
Tourists will take up the whole freaking sidewalk so you have to awkwardly walk through them if you want to get anywhere
City life, public transit, SOOOO many people. I am getting used to it and actually quite enjoy it. Never a dull moment!
Sorry it's late, I should be working on week 2!!!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Easter Wishes (late)

Happy Easter! I hope you all had a blessed day celebrating the light and life of the Risen Lord! (Sorry I'm late!)


I love this video, of a flash mob in a mall food court of Handel's Hallelujah Chorus. This song always brings tears to my eyes, because it is so beautiful, moving and has such a wonderful message.Catholics normally sing this song at Easter to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ, and it always moves me to tears to move from darkness to light. No matter what it means to you, it is a beautifully sung song, and I just love it.


The Alleluia comes to us from Hebrew, and it means "praise Yahweh." Traditionally, it has been seen as the chief term of praise of the choirs of angels, as they worship around the throne of God in Heaven. During Lent, however, our focus is on the Kingdom coming, not on the Kingdom having come. The readings in the Masses for Lent and in the Liturgy of the Hours focus heavily on the spiritual journey of Old Testament Israel toward the coming of Christ, and the salvation of mankind in His death and resurrection.We, too, are on a spiritual journey, toward the Second Coming and our future life in Heaven. In order to emphasize that journey, the Church, during Lent, removes the Alleluia from the Mass. We no longer sing with the choirs of angels; instead, we acknowledge our sins and practice repentance so that one day we may again have the privilege of worshiping God as the angels do.That day come triumphally on Easter Sunday—or, rather, at the Easter Vigil, on Holy Saturday night, when the priest chants a triple Alleluia before he reads the Gospel, and everyone present responds with a triple Alleluia. The Lord is risen; the Kingdom has come; our joy is complete; and, in concert with the angels and saints, we greet the risen Lord with shouts of "Alleluia!"

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Feeling Lonely

What does it mean to be lonely? Is loneliness the same as anxiety? Is it normal to feel like an iron fist has a vice grip on your heart? Is it a state of being, an all encompassing feeling or just a temporary state? is it physical, mental, emotional or all 3? Can it be triggered by the simplest thing and then fade as fast as it came? Is it always there, but sometimes brought to the forefront by evolving circumstances? is it simply a reaction to change or is it a separate emotion related to something completely different?
I think it is all of those things and more. I definitely believe it is a physical emotion, for me it goes hand in hand with anxiety about being alone, in a strange place, a new situation. The anxiety/loneliness physically for me comes in the form of a severe tightness in the chest, that gradually loosens as I adjust to new circumstances. And Once the loneliness has passed, I usually forget about that feeling and the emotions that go along with it, but the next time I am thrust into a new situation it will resurface suddenly, like being punched in the chest.
Why am I talking about this? Because it is happening to me, now. I just "moved" to Washington, DC for a 2 month work rotation. I packed up my stuff, hopped on a plane and was thrust into a new city, new home (hotel), new job, new transportation (metro), new co-workers and new routine. And it has been difficult.
i so wish I was one of those people who could transition effortlessly into new adventures without a moment's hesitation, but I'm not. Never have been, and I decided that instead of feeling ashamed or childish because of it, to really think about what was causing it and see if identifying the causes and triggers might alleviate the stress. Because it causes stress to my body, and I don't like it.
 I am a worrier by nature, always afraid of bad things happening (death, sickness, job loss) to me or people I love and I deal with it just fine in my normal life. But whenver I am put into a new situation, my worrying goes into overdrive, threatening to cripple me. I have never calculated exactly how long it lasts, i think it depends on the situation. But as quickly as it came, it goes and I go back to feeling normal. I have to make a conscious decision not to let it overcome the opportunities that are presented to me, and I can function normally for the most part. First waking up and right before going to bed are when I feel most vulnerable ( I feel pretty darn vulnerable right now, putting this out there) and getting up and moving forward with my day and quieting my mind enough to sleep take care of it for the most part, but it can feel overwhelming to get out of bed or impossible to fall asleep when your body is that stressed.
Anyway, on to much cheerier topics, I am in DC!! I am so excited for the opportunity and I am already lining people up to come visit me! I have walked on the National Mall the past few nights, enjoying the sights and sounds and cool weather. I feel safe here, although I almost got run over by a cab last night and I randomly ran into a guy i dated in high school on the mall the other night. Totally random and fortuitous, because he lives right near my hotel and has invited me to hang out with him and his friends :)