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Friday, August 31, 2012

Road Trip Thoughts

After a whirlwind weekend that included driving across the entire state of Ohio to visit my friend and her family in Pittsburgh, spending the weekend with three girls under the age of three, a day on the river, a day at the pool and lots of screaming, jumping, picking up and putting down, and two nights of restless sleep, 5 hours alone in a quiet car may have been just what I needed. 

Except when I have nothing to do, my crazy mind starts working in overdrive and I normally spin out of control. This time I was convinced that a deer was going to prance out of the woods and smash into my car, killing the deer and me, or that I would get a flat tire in this wasteland (kidding) called Ohio and I wouldn't have anyone within a 5 hour radius to fix it (My uncle in Chicago and the friends I just left in Pittsburgh were all I could come up with), which lead me to think that I need to learn how to change a tire myself. Then I started to wonder why I was worrying that something bad would happen, if it was a self-fulfilling prophecy, like if I thought a lot about something bad happening, would it be more likely to happen? I sound crazy, I had a lot of time to think. But thank god nothing bad happened, it was a great weekend road trip, and now I am two days away from HOME!

Re-reading this post, it sort of follows a logical train of thought....sort of.

I can't for the life of me make this post make sense. I had a lot of thoughts during the car ride, some of them productive, some of them bordering on psychotic. AND I was thoroughly amused by this blue station wagon who was chugging along and every time it went over the littlest bump, the back would bounce for the next mile. I was cracking up, probably in both senses of the word. I will stop trying to make this hopeless post into anything other than something I can look back at, shake my head and laugh.

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