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Friday, March 15, 2013

10 People Who Are Cooler Than Me

 Happy Friday!! Obviously there are way more people who are cooler than me, but I thought it was a fun idea to list a few specific ones.

1) People who look nice at home. I don't know about the rest of the world, but when I get home from work, it's a rat race between how badly I have to pee, and how eager I am to get out of my work clothes and into the largest, softest pair of sweatpants I can find. I'm lucky we don't have many unexpected visitors, because I would be embarrassed to answer the door to anyone. I wish I was one of those Carrie Bradshaw-esque people who are clicking around in their heels and their dress at the end of the day while they write fancy and glamorous things. Yeah, that's not me.
2) People who cook gourmet meals on the reg. And by gourmet I mean fancier than grilled cheese, and on the reg means more than once per week. Last night I made a pancake, cooked some bacon and ate an orange and called it breakfast for dinner. Really I was just craving a pancake. Eggs seemed like too much work. My roommate cooks fancy on the reg, the other night she made scallops and spinach with white beans. Just for herself. 10 bajillion cool points for those mad skills. And none for Gretchen Weiners, bye.

3) Quiet people. Those people who don't say much, remain quiet in a large group of people but when they do talk, everyone listens. I have never been that person that people wonder about. If there is a silence in a large group, I am usually the one breaking the silence with a rude comment, joke or random oversharing tidbit about my life. Sometimes I literally want to zip my mouth shut. I yearn to be mysterious and alluring...
4) People who put together creative outfit combos. The most imaginative that I am with my fashion sense is throwing a leopard belt over a black dress and wearing snakeskin pumps. OMG I mixed patterns. Except the shoes act as a neutral, so it was really just adding a leopard belt to a black outfit. Not creative. I desperately need to get cooler in this department.
5) People who have prepared for their meals for the whole day. Like, dinner in the crockpot, breakfast/coffee prepped and ready to go, and a lunch packed. I am lucky if I get out of the house wearing the same shoes, and my dress is on the right way (totally put one on inside out last week....). I don't own a coffee maker, so anything I get will come in a styrofoam cup, BUT sometimes I fling cereal into a baggie or grab some yogurt, but I have been a repeated failure at bringing lunch, let alone having something crock-potting away all day to be yummy and delicious for dinner.
6) People who blog everyday. I guess other people have more interesting lives than I do, and more pictures to share, but I can  barely think of one good (or stolen from someone more clever than me) topics per week.
7) People who have hair styles that require actual work. Like pixie cuts, bobs and real bangs. The extent of my hair knowledge is my chi, curling wand, hairspray and frizz ease serum. I can never train my part away from the center of my head, so I just give up and let it do what it wants. I am also amazed by people who can create volume in their hair with hairspray, all I create is a sticky mess.

8) People who are on strict gluten-free, yeast-free, low-carb, macrobiotic, vegetarian or vegan diets. See #5 above. I can barely get through breakfast on my own, and lunch and dinner are a total crapshoot. Imagine adding the restrictions of said diets, and I would just nibble on the grass all day. Bonus: I would be a twig. Would I love to have the health benefits, cost savings (maybe) and personal satisfaction of being on a balanced, restricted eating regiment? Yes! Do I have the patience, organization and time to get this done....yes (shame face). Ok maybe I don't have the patience. Am I too lazy to do it? Ding ding ding! Yes.
Am I a total fail because I could only think of 8 people who are cooler than me, when I said I would name 10, and in fact there are approximately 543,298,652,632 people cooler than me? (raise hand) Yes...
I got this idea from Nadine's super cute blog. Go check her out!

All pictures are from internet google search. 

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