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Thursday, January 10, 2013

Online Shopping...Convenience or Addiction?

I have so many ideas, so many thoughts swirling around my head, but I can never seem to express them when I sit down to write #writersblock.
In an effort to make this blog more consistent and interesting, I have thought of a few topics that I would like to write about, instead of just the usual mumbo jumbo that comes out when I don't plan properly.
One topic that has been on my mind a lot lately is money/spending/online shopping, and specifically, how do I know if my online shopping habit is actually an addiction?
Shopping is one of the easiest things to do online these days. One-click checkout, saved passwords and credit cards, store cards, loyalty dollars, coupon codes, free shipping, allowing returns to the store etc. For me, working full time, it is so much easier for me to shop online either from my phone or work computer, and if it doesn't fit/I don't like it, I can easily return it to the store. But lately I am SHOCKED when I get my credit card statements, and I can't remember exactly what I bought, and I am positive that my roommate is sick of packages being dropped off ALMOST EVERY DAY. Amazon and Banana Republic/GAP/Old Navy are by far the most frequent online shopping havens (hello Amazon Prime and BR credit card), and my concern is that its becoming more than just a convenience thing, that it could be an actual addiction. I love the idea of a package waiting for me when I get home, a new book, a high tech scale (Groupon was offering a really cool one!), 3 cardigans, a dress and a shirt. It's all so easy, and I get the same endorphin high when I click CONFIRM as I would in an actual store. Add in online codes, avoiding  parking and  traffic, and I'm sold. I'm sure I am not the only one that this is an issue for, but my question is, when does it stop being a savvy strategy and start being a real problem?
Aside from my online shopping habit, money has been stressing me out lately. Take a VERY spendy December (christmas, birthdays, weddings, travel, etc), $4,000.00 eye surgery, and add in the usual suspects like rent, utilities, 3 credit cards, happy hours, dinners, gas, groceries, plane tickets, half marathon entries, Color Runs, soccer fees, yoga membership etc, and I feel anxious every time I look at my accounts. I also need new tires for my car like yesterday, a transmission leak that needs to be fixed, and I want to buy a new car! Now ,don't get me wrong, I have a good job, and I make enough money to support myself, and I don't live outside my means, but it can be very stressful seeing so much go out, and feel like not enough ever comes in. I know this is just temporary, hopefully the expenses will taper off in the next few weeks, and I am committing myself to drastically reduce my online shopping, so I can feel like I am on an even keel again. This also makes me think about people who really do live paycheck to paycheck, and don't  have the cushion of savings that I do, or the extra income to buy clothes, go on trips and join a yoga studio. So I am keeping those people in my heart and head, being thankful that I have a job and enough money, and trying to be a little more judicious with my spending.
Thanks for listening to all that rambling, it was just something I needed to get off my chest/head/heart.

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